Ask & Deliver:

Discover the Heart of Your Business by Listening to the Voice of Your Customers

Looking for the secret to marketing? Just ask.

As the founder and CEO of OBI Creative, Mary Ann O’Brien has been dubbed “The Mother of Modern Marketing,” helping dozens of companies, from cutting-edge tech firms to venerable financial institutions, forge meaningful relationships with their customers and experience unprecedented growth. Coming December 5, 2023, her new book shares the story of the development of her revolutionary O’Brien Voice of Customer (O.VoC) Study, a data collection and analysis tool that helps companies tune into their customers and discover what they really want from them. Featuring case studies of real clients representing a range of business sectors, the book shows how seeing themselves through their customers’ eyes can reveal hidden weak spots, uncover their strengths, and spur the kind of explosive growth that comes when a company is everything its customers want it to be. And you can order it today.

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